Central Sector Drone scheme For Women Self Help Groups has been approved by The Union Cabinet, led by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, for this initiative, a budget of Rs. 1261 Crore spanning from 2024-25 to 2025-26, intends to empower 15,000 selected Women SHGs by offering drone services for agricultural purposes
Aligned with the vision of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the Drone scheme For Women, seeks to integrate the efforts of the Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare (DA&FW), Department of Rural Development (DoRD), and Department of Fertilizers (DoF), alongside Women SHGs and Lead Fertilizer Companies (LFCs).
Key highlights of the scheme include:
- Holistic Interventions: The scheme integrates resources and efforts from various departments, SHGs, and LFCs.
- Identification of Clusters: Clusters where drone usage is economically feasible will be identified, and 15,000 women SHGs in these clusters will be selected to provide drone services.
- Financial Assistance: Women SHGs will receive 80% central financial assistance for the purchase of drones and accessories, up to a maximum of Rs. Eight Lakh. The remaining amount can be raised as a loan under the National Agriculture Infra Financing Facility, with a 3% interest subvention.
- Training: Qualified SHG members will undergo a 15-day training program, including a mandatory 5-day drone pilot training and an additional 10-day training for agriculture-related applications. Another member inclined towards repairing electrical goods and mechanical works will be trained as a drone technician/assistant.
- Role of Lead Fertilizer Companies: LFCs will act as intermediaries between drone supplier companies and SHGs, facilitating procurement, repair, and maintenance of drones. They will also promote the use of Nano Fertilizers such as Nano Urea and Nano DAP through drone services.
- Income Generation: The scheme aims to provide sustainable business and livelihood support to 15,000 SHGs, enabling them to earn at least Rs. One lakh per annum by renting out drone services to farmers for Nano fertilizer and pesticide applications.
Overall, this initiative is expected to introduce advanced technology in agriculture, leading to improved efficiency, enhanced crop yield, and reduced operational costs for the benefit of farmers.
For more details Logon to https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1980681
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